State of play and promotion of the Water protection programme with stakeholders
Akordi provides the Ministry of Environment with an expert service for the organisation of workshops on monitoring and promotion of water and marine protection measures.
The aim is to establish a common view with stakeholders of the implementation status of water and marine management plans and to…

Towards results-based systems to mitigate diffuse emissions and promote biodiversity
Results-based models are an option for improving environmental performance. A prerequisite for their use is that impacts can be measured with sufficient accuracy and at reasonable cost. The preliminary study, carried out jointly by Antti Iho (University of Eastern Finland) and Akordi, examines different indicators that could be used in results-based measures for biodiversity, water protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation, and identifies limiting conditions for measurement.

Study: The pace of the green transition and the quality of environmental procedures : how to combine streamlining, acceptability and environmental protection?
Reducing environmental regulation does not automatically streamline permitting processes, but can have the opposite effect. This is the conclusion of a legal study published by Akordi.
Several legislative reforms based on the government's programme aim to speed up the passage of the Green Transition…

Review: Offsetting the environmental and social impacts of energy projects
The question of how to manage and compensate for the adverse impacts of projects is crucial to the acceptability of the energy transition.
The review published by Akordi presents the means identified in the literature to identify and compensate for the adverse effects of projects on nature and social…

Interaction coaching for the Espoo City Planning Department
In the spring and fall of 2024, Akordi trains experts from City Planning Department of Espoo to meet residents, partners and decision-makers.
The aim of the interaction coaching is to give Espoo's city planning experts tools for high-quality collaboration and coordinating perspectives. In addition,…

Learn to lead cooperation – training for the Regional Council of Kymenlaakso
Akordi trained the personnel of the Regional Council of Kymenlaakso with the 'Learn to lead cooperation' training in April 2024.
The training consisted of two days, during which the participants gained skills in cooperation between many actors and in planning and carrying out processes aimed at harmonizing…

Implementation and support of the resident interaction of the local detailed plan in Sudentulli Nurmijärvi
Nurmijärvi municipality is preparing a local detailed plan for a data center in the Sudentulli area. The project has great economic and political significance for Nurmijärvi municipality. However, the project also has significant effects due to its size, which will probably cause concern in the neighborhood.…

Interaction as part of the regional planning of wind power areas in Päijät-Häme
Akordi supports interaction related to wind power areas in the Päijät-Häme regional plan 2060 process.

Study: The effectiveness and functionality of the Maritime Spatial Plan in promoting offshore wind power, and strengthening commitment to the Plan
Akordi is participating in a study commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment, which examines the legal background of maritime spatial planning and the current status of drawing up the Plans and their effectiveness.

Learn to lead cooperation – training for the Finnish Maritime Spatial Planning Coordination Group
In 2023, the Regional Council of Southwest Finland ordered Akordi the "Learn to lead cooperation" training for the members of the Finnish Maritime Spatial Planning Coordination Group.

Interaction strategy for the Carbon-neutral Helsinki Action Plan
Akordi made an interaction strategy for the extensive impact assessment of the traffic measures in the Carbon-neutral Helsinki Action Plan.

The JustH2Transition consortium project is a research initiative whose goal is to support the transition to a hydrogen-based economy in Finland. The project is financed by the Strategic Research Council and is part of the Energy Solutions as Part of a Just Green Transition, JUST ENERGY, program. University…

Tampere area vision for local train network
Plans to create a local train network for the Tampere urban area are underway. The need and interest for local trains has been identified in agreements on land use, housing and transport (MAL agreements), and in the Tampere region land use plan 2040. Public transport development also aids the Tampere…

Balancing Growth, Biodiversity, and Climate Goals in Tampere: A Comprehensive Assessment
Various international climate and nature strategies set targets for urban land use. However, attempting to harmonize the goals of growth, biodiversity conservation, and climate change mitigation presents challenges due to potential conflicting interests. The City of Tampere commissioned Akordi to conduct…

Preparing the Jyväskylä Urban Region for the MAL Agreement
In the summer and fall of 2020, the Jyväskylä urban region geared up for the land use, housing and transport (Maankäytön, asumisen ja liikenteen suunnittelukierros MAL) agreement negotiations. Prior to these discussions, municipalities within the urban region, led by the city of Jyväskylä, worked…

Assessment of Collaboration Challenges in Vantaa City’s Service Network
Akordi conducted an in-depth situational analysis in the spring of 2023, mapping collaboration challenges relating to the service network in the City of Vantaa City. The primary emphasis of the analysis was to explore the difficulties in cooperation between the different responsible units and individuals…

Enhancing Community Engagement and Project Launch for Helsinki’s West Harbor Expansion
Helsinki Port Ltd. is planning to expand the capacity of both the West Harbor, and a tunnel connection towards Länsiväylä. Akordi planned and facilitated two significant events related to the project designed to engage the local community. In September 2022, an informative resident interaction session…

Building Common Ground – Wind Power in Reindeer Herding Areas
Akordi, partnering with the Finnish Wind Power Association and the Reindeer Herders’ Association, is conducting a study that delves into the impact of collaborative practices on the local acceptance of wind power in reindeer herding areas beyond the Sámi homeland.

Fisheries Area Management and Conservation Plans: Conflicts and Opportunities
In 2022, the Finnish Fishermen’s Central Union commissioned Akordi to conduct a comprehensive study into the potential conflict scenarios highlighted in their recent report, including practical considerations for implementation.

Development Work for Urban Planning in Nurmijärvi
Akordi assisted the city of Nurmijärvi by identifying and harmonizing diverse perspectives concerning the constraints and possibilities for urban planning development.

“Learn to Lead” Collaboration Training for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry commissioned Akordi to deliver the “Learn to Lead” collaboration and negotiation training for its staff.

Stakeholder Engagement in the Preparation of Legislation on Environmental Objectives for Water Management and Deviations Therefrom
During 2023, a working group established by the Ministry of the Environment will prepare proposals for legislation on environmental objectives for water management and deviations therefrom. Specifically, these proposals concern the Act on the Organization of Water Management and Marine Management. The…

A Workshop on the Accessibility Vision in Transportation
In March 2023, the Ministry of Transport and Communications and Traficom organized a stakeholder workshop focusing on the accessibility of transportation and digital services. In the workshop, providers of transportation services, representatives of disability and elderly organizations, users, and government authorities collaboratively deliberated on what would constitute a good vision for the accessibility of the transportation system and what aspects should be taken into consideration in the visioning process. Akordi designed and facilitated the event.

Annual Seminar of the Water Restoration Network
The eighth annual seminar of the Water System Restoration Network was held as a webinar on the 27th and 28th of October, 2020. The themes of the seminar included fisheries management, migratory fish, watershed-based restoration, and networking.Akordi was involved in conducting public surveys during the seminars and workshops.

Water System Restoration Training
Akordi recently gave a nation-wide Water System Restoration Training that took place between June 2021 and January 2022. The training was part of a larger project funded by the Ministry of Environment, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and aimed to update and enhance the expertise of professionals…

Water Impacts Day
The themes of the 2020 Water Impacts Day were collaboration and working together. Akordi was responsible for the design and implementation of the interactive parts of the event.

Developing Low-Emission Transportation in Päijät-Häme
In autumn 2019, the Päijät-Häme Regional Council began working to promote low-emission transportation in the region. Akordi served as an expert in communication for the project and was responsible for workshops conducted in collaboration with stakeholders.

A Workshop on Setting Environmental Objectives and Constraints of Water Management
A working group on environmental objectives and exemptions for water management set up by the Ministry of the Environment prepared a guide for planners in the ELY centres for the third planning period of water management. On February 28, 2020, the Ministry of the Environment invited the members of the monitoring group and the ELY Centres to discuss the development needs of the draft. The event, planned and facilitated by Akordi, aimed to get feedback and support for the finalization of the guide via collaborative discussion and reflection.

The Päijänne Area
The “Päijänne Branding Project”, carried out by the city of Jyväskylä and Lahti University of Applied Sciences in 2018, promoted cooperation between sustainable and responsible activities in the Päijänne area. The project also explored the interest of regional operators in applying for UNESCO Biosphere Reserve status. In the project's final workshop, led by Akordi, the outcomes of the project's events and investigations were reviewed, and options were considered for the next steps.

The Future Vision of Helsinki’s Public Transportation and Citizen Adaptability
In autumn 2019, the City of Helsinki launched a comprehensive future analysis of its transportation systems. The initiative aims to evaluate how environmental shifts will influence the city's transportation systems and strategize how to prepare for these changes. Akordi conducted an adaptability analysis under the scope of the city’s initiative, which will provide recommendations for navigating these changes in collaboration with residents and other stakeholders.

Training for Flood Group Leaders
On May 28, 2019, the Finnish Environment Institute organized a training led by Akordi that provided training to the leaders of flood groups. Topics such as initiating and strengthening stakeholder collaboration, as well as managing and resolving conflicts were covered in detail.

Mid-Term Review of 2022 National Climate Change Adaptation Plan
The National Climate Change Adaptation Plan's mid-term evaluation wrapped up in April 2019. The aim was to pinpoint which areas and industries needed extra attention in the plan's later stages leading up to 2022. Akordi teamed up with Tyrsky-Konsultointi Oy to conduct an external examination of stakeholder…

Update of the Wolf Population Management Plan
The plan for managing Finland's wolf population is a tool aimed at reconciling the needs of wolves and wolf conservation with those of the people living and working in wolf territories. The plan update started in fall 2018, with Akordi facilitating discussions in seven regional stakeholder events involving…

Social Acceptance of Wind Power
The share of electricity generated from wind power has grown rapidly in recent decades, both in Europe and globally. Although wind power is a widely accepted form of energy production, local projects are increasingly facing opposition in Finland. In a project that ended in November 2018, Akordi developed new tools to strengthen the social acceptability and social license to operate of wind power in cooperation with wind industry actors and stakeholders.

Aviapolis Stakeholder Workshops
Aviapolis is a new urban center in Vantaa, to be built next to the Helsinki-Vantaa airport. In the City of Vantaa's Aviapolis project, stakeholder workshops were organized to outline potential directions for future development of the area together with international partners and local stakeholders. Akordi was responsible for facilitating the workshops in early 2019.

The Dicstrict Vision for Herttoniemi
In the spring and summer of 2018, the Herttoniemi district (comprising Western Herttoniemi, Herttoniemenranta, and Roihuvuori) developed its own vision, describing the shared aspirations of various stakeholders in the district for its future and generating ideas on how to achieve this envisioned future. Throughout the process, directions for development of the area were jointly identified, and concrete opportunities for constructive collaboration were explored. The vision process enabled citizens to participate in the long-term planning of their surrounding environment and work together with planning professionals, as well as introducing a new collaborative approach to urban development.