
DAC – Dwellers in Agile Cities

Open project database

Akordi was involved in DAC – Dwellers in Agile Cities research project to help support the project’s societal impact. DAC was funded by the Academy of Finland between 2016-2019, and it focused on the regular urban citizen as a driver of urban development and change. Akordi supported the researchers and stakeholders involved with the project to identify potential mechanisms for change linked to the project aims. Thanks to Akordi’s facilitation, research assignments and stakeholder interactions supported each other.

The project involved over 20 researchers, who worked in tight collaboration with stakeholders from four cities: Espoo, Helsinki, Seinäjoki and Tampere. The project had many partner organizations and individuals, that included housing companies, architectural firms, municipal officials, construction experts and citizen organizations. Akordi supported the collaboration between the project partners and facilitated the stakeholder engagement.

Jonna Kangasoja
Jonna Kangasoja
Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer
+358 50 441 2863