
Helsinki region MAL 2019 agreement

Open project database

An agreement on land use, housing and transport (MAL) is a strategic plan that outlines how land use, housing and transportation is to be developed during the upcoming decades. Helsinki MAL 2019 combines the visions of the 14 municipalities in the Helsinki region, and outlines how the Helsinki region will be developed from 2019 to 2050. The agreement is renewed every four years and it brings together coordinated efforts of land use, housing and transportation. Akordi supported the organizers in stakeholder engagement and helped in facilitating the participation throughout the planning process.

The Helsinki region is growing. The city is now a home to 1.5 million. However, in 2050 the figure will be 2 million. Everyday life, work and hobbies take place all across the region, with no regard to municipality lines. The same applies to people living in the emerging metropolitan area. Hence, the growth in land use, housing and transportation must be coordinated in a way that makes sustainable living possible also for the future Helsinki region residents.

The development of MAL 2019 involved extensive interaction between many stakeholders. Representatives from the 14 municipalities planned the parts concerning land use and housing, while Helsinki Regional Transport Authority HSL was responsible for the transport system planning.

Regional experts, elected officials, and representatives of the Finnish state and different organizations participated in interaction sessions. Akordi was in charge of designing and preparing these sessions.

Jonna Kangasoja
Jonna Kangasoja
Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer
+358 50 441 2863