
Developing land use planning in the city of Lohja

Open project database

During 2022, Akordi partnered with the City of Lohja to improve the city’s land use planning practices.

In order to improve the city’s land use planning practices and intervention was carried out based on Developmental Work Research.

The aim of the development process is to improve the planning practices in a way that any available resources are used more efficiently, and that the practices can answer any current and predictable future challenges.

The work was carried out in collaboration with Lohja city staff, and it is divided into four phases. These are:

1) definition and analysis of existing practises (for instance, identifying disruptions and development needs),

2) development and experimentation with new solutions,

3) evaluation of successes, and

4) establishment of new practices that are found to be solid.

Jonna Kangasoja
Jonna Kangasoja
Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer
+358 50 441 2863