
Mid-Term Review of 2022 National Climate Change Adaptation Plan

Open project database

The National Climate Change Adaptation Plan’s mid-term evaluation wrapped up in April 2019. The aim was to pinpoint which areas and industries needed extra attention in the plan’s later stages leading up to 2022. Akordi teamed up with Tyrsky-Konsultointi Oy to conduct an external examination of stakeholder perspectives as part of this evaluation.

The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and the Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) undertook the task of assessing the plan’s impact and gathering insights on potential ways to enhance actions and approaches. Akordi played a role in organizing and facilitating stakeholder workshops held in Helsinki, Tampere, Vaasa, Joensuu, and Rovaniemi during the mid-term evaluation. Drawing from an external review of stakeholder perspectives, Akordi proposed five steps to enhance adaptation efforts:

  1. Break down climate impacts and adaptation challenges by looking at different sectors and regions.
  2. Pay extra attention to generating and spreading information on sectors and issues where the current status is identified as weaker than others.
  3. Package and communicate existing information in a user-friendly format.
  4. Complement national adaptation initiatives with regional and sector-specific tools like adaptation plans or panels.
  5. Encourage dialogue between sectors and regions, perhaps through annual national adaptation forums.
Emma Luoma
Emma Luoma
+358 40 5163622