
Oulujoki watershed vision 2035

Open project database

The Oulujoki river watershed is getting its own watershed vision to better integrate differing needs and interests in the region.  The Finnish Environment Institute leads the project titled “Vitality from the Kainuu Lakes to the Gulf of Bothnia – Oulujoki watershed vision 2035 (ARVOVESI)”, and the aim is to better integrate the differing needs of river basin management, hydropower, fisheries, land use and business in the Oulujoki watershed. The project is done in collaboration with the Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke and the University of Oulu Business School, and it’s time frame is 2021-2022.

The advisory board established to steer the work is supported by five subgroups of experts. The groups aim to define goals for the watershed vision, measures that help reach these goals, and to generate and provide data and information for the advisory board.

One of the subgroups is Migratory fish and hydropower. The group will establish three different baselines for the migratory fish stocks in the different sub basins of the Oulujoki river basin. The group will also establish measures required to reach the different baseline levels, and in which time frame each level could be reached. The group will also assess the impacts the measures have on e.g. hydropower, fishing and tourism.

Akordi was in charge of planning and facilitating the meetings of the Migratory fish and hydropower subgroup during the project.

Juha-Pekka Turunen
Juha-Pekka Turunen
Senior Associate
+358 40 7294842