
Stakeholder Engagement in the Preparation of Legislation on Environmental Objectives for Water Management and Deviations Therefrom

Open project database

During 2023, a working group established by the Ministry of the Environment will prepare proposals for legislation on environmental objectives for water management and deviations therefrom. Specifically, these proposals concern the Act on the Organization of Water Management and Marine Management. The Act will be implemented by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Akordi assisted in the design and implementation of stakeholder engagement measures during the preparation of the legislation in the early spring of 2023

The stakeholder engagement in the legislative preparation was carried out in three phases. In the first phase, a round of interviews was conducted with key stakeholders to identify the central issues and perspectives. Based on the information gathered from the interviews, workshops were planned for the following two phases.

The first hybrid workshop took place in February 2023, and helped identify stakeholders’ interests, perspectives, needs, and concerns relating to the legislative changes. The discussions of small-group sessions facilitated by Akordi helped to bring stakeholders together and understand their different interests.

A second workshop was held in March 2023, with the main goal of developing the preliminary proposals and identifying implementation alternatives described by the Civil Service Working Group, as well as comparing and provisionally assessing their impact. 

Juha-Pekka Turunen
Juha-Pekka Turunen
Senior Mediator
+358 40 7294842