Project News


Comment: Henrik Wickström’s speech on the role of Elected Officers in Akordi’s event 20.8.2024

What is it like to deal with a large-scale green transition project in a small town, when the project is relevant both locally and for the whole of Finland? Local residents are hungry for information, and the company wants to move quickly. The municipality, on the other hand, is responsible for the…

Recording: Elected Officials as Conveners – The Oregon Model 20.8.2024

Solving public problems often requires the bringing together of representatives from a range of interest groups, businesses, and governmental agencies. Who 'convenes' the various stakeholders, and how they do it can make the difference between failure and success. The National Policy Consensus Center…

Joint-Fact-Finding to Support the ‘Rules’ of Ecological Compensation

Starting in early June, voluntary ecological compensation, as stipulated by the upcoming nature conservation law, requires the scientific assessment of the environmental harms caused by projects, as well as the evaluation of compensations produced through restoration and protection. This assessment includes…

Collaborative Preparation of Legislation on Environmental Objectives for Water Management and Deviations Therefrom

During spring 2023, a significant legislative change related to environmental objectives for water management was prepared under the leadership of a working group appointed by the Ministry of the Environment. The substantial legal amendment is being prepared by a government working group on a tight schedule,…

Collaborative Solutions to the Water Monitoring Challenges of the Sodankylä Mines

In early February, representatives from Sodankylä associations, clubs, and mining companies gathered at Kommatin Maja in Sodankylä to discuss challenges related to water monitoring. This meeting marked the initiation of a new collaborative water impact monitoring project among local stakeholders.…

Pioneering Collaboration Between Reindeer Husbandry and Wind Power Industry

Just over one-third of Finland's land area is dedicated to reindeer husbandry. Reindeer herding relies on the free grazing rights and large areas of contiguous pasture. Other land uses pose a threat to the future of reindeer husbandry, as they reduce and fragment grazing areas, disrupting the peace of…

Vision in Transportation Workshop – Enhancing Accessibility and Digital Services

In March 2023, the Ministry of Transport and Communications and Traficom organized a stakeholder workshop to discuss the accessibility of transportation and the usability of digital services. This workshop is part of a process to establish a national target state guiding the accessibility work of the…

Exploring the Social Acceptance of Wind Power in Central Finland

The increased integration of wind power into Finland's energy production is a nationally significant strategic decision in the context of the green transition. With the rapid development of wind power technology and the growth in production capacity from wind turbines, Central Finland, especially in…

A wide range of experts are actively building an ecological compensation system

Ecological compensation was introduced as a voluntary measure in response to the newly adopted Nature Conservation Act. The BOOST project is constructing an ecological compensation system to facilitate its implementation. To ensure the system's reliability and the credibility of practical implementations,…

Completion of Watershed Restoration Training: A Comprehensive Review

The nationwide watershed restoration training, initiated in June 2021, concluded in early 2022. According to the feedback received, the majority of participants expressed satisfaction, indicating that the training generally met their expectations, marking it as a successful endeavour. For an in-depth…