Akordi’s 10th Anniversary – A Picturesque Celebration
On Tuesday, September 12th, Akordi celebrated its 10th anniversary at the historical venue, Puistokatu 4. The festivities commenced with a breathtaking performance by the Maailma choir , followed by heartwarming speeches from Akordi’s long-time mentors, collaborative partners, dear friends, and team members.
The party was preceded by an open seminar in the AkordiXPuistokatu4 event series, where the discussion centered around the question of where conflicts in the green transition can be resolved. Listen to the seminar’s presentations here [In Finnish]: https://akordi.fi/yleinen/akordi-x-puistokatu-4-tapahtumasarja-yhteista-ongelmanratkaisua-kestavyysmurroksessa/
We are very proud of the work we’ve done to help manage environmental conflicts and develop collaborative methods in Finland. Our heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who has supported us in this endeavor over the years.
The work continues – so let’s continue together!

Lasse Peltonen on September 12th: Exploring Conflicts Arising from the Green Transition and the Necessary Procedures for Addressing Them.

Jonna Kangasoja Introduces Akordi’s Upcoming Project: Creating a Neutral Forum for Anticipating Conflicts Arising from the Green Transition in Finland, Supported by the TAH Foundation.

Guests Gathered to Listen to Speeches in the Puistokatu 4 Celebration Hall.

Akordi’s Interns: Pinja Pöytäniemi (left), Genevieve Allen, and Eva Härter

Akordi’s Team: Anni Kettunen (left), Emma Luoma, Jonna Kangasoja, Lasse Peltonen, Juha-Pekka Turunen, and Juha Kotilainen.