Interaction coaching for the Espoo City Planning Department
In the spring and fall of 2024, Akordi trains experts from City Planning Department of Espoo to meet residents, partners and decision-makers.
The aim of the interaction coaching is to give Espoo's city planning experts tools for high-quality collaboration and coordinating perspectives. In addition,…
Learn to lead cooperation – training for the Regional Council of Kymenlaakso
Akordi trained the personnel of the Regional Council of Kymenlaakso with the 'Learn to lead cooperation' training in April 2024.
The training consisted of two days, during which the participants gained skills in cooperation between many actors and in planning and carrying out processes aimed at harmonizing…
Learn to lead cooperation – training for the Finnish Maritime Spatial Planning Coordination Group
In 2023, the Regional Council of Southwest Finland ordered Akordi the "Learn to lead cooperation" training for the members of the Finnish Maritime Spatial Planning Coordination Group.
“Learn to Lead” Collaboration Training for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry commissioned Akordi to deliver the “Learn to Lead” collaboration and negotiation training for its staff.
Water System Restoration Training
Akordi recently gave a nation-wide Water System Restoration Training that took place between June 2021 and January 2022. The training was part of a larger project funded by the Ministry of Environment, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and aimed to update and enhance the expertise of professionals…
Training for Flood Group Leaders
On May 28, 2019, the Finnish Environment Institute organized a training led by Akordi that provided training to the leaders of flood groups. Topics such as initiating and strengthening stakeholder collaboration, as well as managing and resolving conflicts were covered in detail.
Social Acceptance of Wind Power
The share of electricity generated from wind power has grown rapidly in recent decades, both in Europe and globally. Although wind power is a widely accepted form of energy production, local projects are increasingly facing opposition in Finland. In a project that ended in November 2018, Akordi developed new tools to strengthen the social acceptability and social license to operate of wind power in cooperation with wind industry actors and stakeholders.
Developing a Collaborative Water Monitoring Platform with the Local Community and Mining Companies in Sodankylä
A collaborative water monitoring project is being developed in Sodankylä, Finland, to address concerns about the impact of mining on local waterways. The project, led by Akordi and funded by the Nessling Foundation, involves collaboration between mining companies, the local community, and various stakeholders. The goal is to improve the credibility and clarity of water monitoring data and address information needs beyond legal requirements. The collaborative group aims to create a functional model for joint water impact monitoring, with results to be presented at an open seminar in November 2023.
Update of Vantaa master plan
Vantaa updated its local master plan, and Akordi supported the work in 2019. The plan covers future plans for construction, housing, services, recreation, and managing increasing amounts of traffic. Akordi facilitated events where Vantaa residents discussed the future of the city with city representatives. Akordi also consulted the master planning group on how to best organize stakeholder engagement and participation.