Tampere area vision for local train network
Plans to create a local train network for the Tampere urban area are underway. The need and interest for local trains has been identified in agreements on land use, housing and transport (MAL agreements), and in the Tampere region land use plan 2040. Public transport development also aids the Tampere…

Preparing the Jyväskylä Urban Region for the MAL Agreement
In the summer and fall of 2020, the Jyväskylä urban region geared up for the land use, housing and transport (Maankäytön, asumisen ja liikenteen suunnittelukierros MAL) agreement negotiations. Prior to these discussions, municipalities within the urban region, led by the city of Jyväskylä, worked…

Where will the conflicts generated by the Green Transition be resolved?
The green transition is a significant societal transformation, involving struggles between various interest groups. Which conflicts can be anticipated and avoided, and which battles are unavoidable?
The aim of the green transition is the creation of a sustainable economy that does not rely on energy…

MAL 2023 agreement for Helsinki region
The planning for the new agreement on land use, housing and transport (Maankäytön, asumisen ja liikenteen suunnittelukierros MAL) for Helsinki region has commenced. The aims featured in the previous MAL 2019 agreement will be revised based on the changed operating environment. Once the agreement is…

Helsinki region MAL 2019 agreement
An agreement on land use, housing and transport (MAL) is a strategic plan that outlines how land use, housing and transportation is to be developed during the upcoming decades. Helsinki MAL 2019 combines the visions of the 14 municipalities in the Helsinki region, and outlines how the Helsinki region…

Iijoki River Visioning Process
A collaborative approach was used to build a shared vision for the future of the Iijoki water system. In addition to the restoration of the migratory fish stocks, the aim of the envisioning work was to address the water quality in the Iijoki basin, and to increase the attractiveness of the area for e.g. tourism and business. The Iijoki River Vision was published in 2018. The Advisory Board will continue to work on planning and prioritizing measures, and new projects, to increase the value of the river. This has already led to several projects improving the status of the river, including conservation and restoration projects.

Building a Collaborative Platform for Reindeer Husbandry and Wind Power
The need for a more open dialogue and better mutual understanding had been recognized both in the wind power sector and in reindeer husbandry, and it was considered that this would improve collaboration.
The work of constructing a collaborative platform began in 2020 in discussions hosted by Akordi…

Societal acceptance of wind power in Central Finland regional land use plan 2040
Towards the end of 2022, Akordi will carry out an assessment that will support the regional land use planning process of Central Finland. The aim is to find acceptable solutions regarding wind power proposed in the draft plant, and to increase the overall acceptance of the regional land use plan.

Negotiations and mediation between the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, Greenpeace and the Finnish forest administration Metsähallitus in 2018-2021
The concerned parties commissioned Akordi in autumn 2018 to assess the prolonged forestry conflicts in the Kainuu region. In order for the conflict to be resolved the national level aspects had to be discussed as well. A twelve member working group was founded from members of the concerned organizations including national directors and forest experts of the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation and Finnish Greenpeace. The group convened 14 times between November 2019 and January 2021. The scope of the work expanded significantly from what was initially planned to include all state owned forests in Finland.

Finnish FSC standard revision
The Forest Stewardship Council - FSC - is an international, non-profit and open association that is committed to strengthening the sustainable use of forests via certification.
At the start of 2020, Akordi was requested as a neutral party to assist in the negotiations and work in updating the Finnish…

Jyväskylä Strategic Forest Program
The City of Jyväskylä's Forest Program is a long-term strategic plan outlining the management and use of the city's forests. The process, which concluded in June 2018, involved the collaboration of city representatives and local stakeholders. Akordi played a key role in facilitating an interactive negotiation process during the development of the Forest Program.