Towards results-based systems to mitigate diffuse emissions and promote biodiversity
Results-based models are an option for improving environmental performance. A prerequisite for their use is that impacts can be measured with sufficient accuracy and at reasonable cost. The preliminary study, carried out jointly by Antti Iho (University of Eastern Finland) and Akordi, examines different indicators that could be used in results-based measures for biodiversity, water protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation, and identifies limiting conditions for measurement.
Study: The pace of the green transition and the quality of environmental procedures : how to combine streamlining, acceptability and environmental protection?
Reducing environmental regulation does not automatically streamline permitting processes, but can have the opposite effect. This is the conclusion of a legal study published by Akordi.
Several legislative reforms based on the government's programme aim to speed up the passage of the Green Transition…
Review: Offsetting the environmental and social impacts of energy projects
The question of how to manage and compensate for the adverse impacts of projects is crucial to the acceptability of the energy transition.
The review published by Akordi presents the means identified in the literature to identify and compensate for the adverse effects of projects on nature and social…
Study: The effectiveness and functionality of the Maritime Spatial Plan in promoting offshore wind power, and strengthening commitment to the Plan
Akordi is participating in a study commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment, which examines the legal background of maritime spatial planning and the current status of drawing up the Plans and their effectiveness.
Building Common Ground – Wind Power in Reindeer Herding Areas
Akordi, partnering with the Finnish Wind Power Association and the Reindeer Herders’ Association, is conducting a study that delves into the impact of collaborative practices on the local acceptance of wind power in reindeer herding areas beyond the Sámi homeland.
Fisheries Area Management and Conservation Plans: Conflicts and Opportunities
In 2022, the Finnish Fishermen’s Central Union commissioned Akordi to conduct a comprehensive study into the potential conflict scenarios highlighted in their recent report, including practical considerations for implementation.
Developing a Collaborative Water Monitoring Platform with the Local Community and Mining Companies in Sodankylä
A collaborative water monitoring project is being developed in Sodankylä, Finland, to address concerns about the impact of mining on local waterways. The project, led by Akordi and funded by the Nessling Foundation, involves collaboration between mining companies, the local community, and various stakeholders. The goal is to improve the credibility and clarity of water monitoring data and address information needs beyond legal requirements. The collaborative group aims to create a functional model for joint water impact monitoring, with results to be presented at an open seminar in November 2023.
Construction of a Collaborative Platform monitoring the Impacts of mining on Water Quality in Sodankylä
The project's objective is to create a collaborative water impact monitoring model with Sodankylä mining companies and local stakeholders and embed it in the local operational culture. The project's outcomes serve as a model for the mining sectors in Finland and the Nordic countries.
Towards shared understanding of the changes in sustainability of forest use
In 2020, The Finnish Cultural Foundation granted a 150,000 euro Argumenta funding to the project “Towards shared understanding of the changes in sustainability of forest use”. The project is coordinated by the University of Jyväskylä School of Resource Wisdom (JYU.Wisdom), the Natural Resources…
EKOTEKO project
EKOTEKO - Ecological compensations from theory to practice was a joint research project by University of Helsinki, the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and Akordi. The project aim was to find a practical way to implement ecological compensations by combining science, dialogue and experimentation.…
DAC – Dwellers in Agile Cities
Akordi was involved in DAC - Dwellers in Agile Cities research project to help support the project’s societal impact. DAC was funded by the Academy of Finland between 2016-2019, and it focused on the regular urban citizen as a driver of urban development and change. Akordi supported the researchers and stakeholders involved with the project to identify potential mechanisms for change linked to the project aims. Thanks to Akordi’s facilitation, research assignments and stakeholder interactions supported each other.
SWOT analysis of Kokemäenjoki river Water Vision 2050
In summer 2022, Akordi carried out a SWOT analysis to identify the challenges and opportunities with the Kokemäenjoki river Water Vision.
Kokemäenjoki river Water Vision 2050 is a common and holistic vision for a desired state of the Kokemäenjoki watershed in 2050. It considers the use of water…
Preliminary assessment regarding the updating of Finnish national land use guidelines
Akordi was a partner in a preliminary assessment regarding the updating of Finnish national land use guidelines. The assessment was performed in collaboration with the University of Eastern Finland Law School.
The national land use guidelines are a planning instrument and system required by…
Evaluation of the Fishing Agreement of Tenojoki River
The fishing agreement between Finland and Norway on the Tenojoki River entered into force in March 2017. During its preparation, the Finnish Parliament outlined that the fishing agreement and its functionality should be evaluated three years after its enforcement. Akordi, appointed by the Finnish Ministry…