A wide range of experts are actively building an ecological compensation system

Ecological compensation was introduced as a voluntary measure in response to the newly adopted Nature Conservation Act. The BOOST project is constructing an ecological compensation system to facilitate its implementation. To ensure the system’s reliability and the credibility of practical implementations, work is being carried out based on the best available knowledge and expertise. BOOST involves close collaboration with experts from various fields.

The ecological compensation for different habitat types is being discussed with Finland’s habitat experts in a series of workshops initiated in the fall of 2022. On November 10, 2022, BOOST and the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) organized a workshop where leading habitat experts gathered to develop principles guiding ecological compensation based on the law. Over 30 experts from Syke, Metsähallitus, ELY Centres, the Ministry of the Environment, Wild Zone Association, and the City of Helsinki actively participated in this effort. Work on defining principles for determining the ecological status of habitat types will continue during the winter.

Future collaboration will continue with the ELY Centre, focusing on their role as an authority in handling ecological compensation. In 2022, two webinars specifically tailored for ELY Centres were organized in collaboration with Syke’s ecological compensation pilot project. These sessions presented the projects’ work and discussed the role of ELY Centres in the compensation process. Over 60 experts from ELY Centres participated in a webinar held on November 21, 2022.

Ecological compensation and the trade in nature credits are topical issues among market actors, and BOOST has intensified collaboration with these stakeholders. An open event was held at Tiedekulma in Helsinki in May 2022, presenting principles of compensation and benefit trading, assessment of ecological harms and benefits, and the ongoing development of a compensation registry. A workshop for stakeholders interested in compensation trading was also conducted during the event.

As BOOST’s interaction coordinator, Akordi has been actively involved in conducting various workshops and events and planning broader collaboration and its impact among different stakeholders.

The project’s research is funded by the Strategic Research Council.

Learn more: www.boostbiodiversityoffsets.fi