Comment: Henrik Wickström’s speech on the role of Elected Officers in Akordi’s event 20.8.2024

What is it like to deal with a large-scale green transition project in a small town, when the project is relevant both locally and for the whole of Finland?

Local residents are hungry for information, and the company wants to move quickly. The municipality, on the other hand, is responsible for the land use planning. Local elected officials have to balance the interests of the municipality with those of national importance. The keys to conflict prevention are communication and interaction.


“Nationally, we need to talk much more about making green transition projects fair from a local perspective. Municipalities can bring different players together and discuss solutions.”

Henrik Wickström, Member of Parliament and Chairman of the Municipal Council of Inkoo


See Henrik Wickström’s videospeech in the recording. The video is in Finnish.

Wickström’s speach is a comment on the presentation “Elected Officials as Conveners, the Oregon Model” by Steve Greenwood, expert at the National Policy Consensus Center at Akordi’s event on 20.8.2024. You’ll find the recording of the whole event on our webpages.