State of play and promotion of the Water protection programme with stakeholders
Akordi provides the Ministry of Environment with an expert service for the organisation of workshops on monitoring and promotion of water and marine protection measures.
The aim is to establish a common view with stakeholders of the implementation status of water and marine management plans and to…
Towards results-based systems to mitigate diffuse emissions and promote biodiversity
Results-based models are an option for improving environmental performance. A prerequisite for their use is that impacts can be measured with sufficient accuracy and at reasonable cost. The preliminary study, carried out jointly by Antti Iho (University of Eastern Finland) and Akordi, examines different indicators that could be used in results-based measures for biodiversity, water protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation, and identifies limiting conditions for measurement.
Study: The effectiveness and functionality of the Maritime Spatial Plan in promoting offshore wind power, and strengthening commitment to the Plan
Akordi is participating in a study commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment, which examines the legal background of maritime spatial planning and the current status of drawing up the Plans and their effectiveness.
Fisheries Area Management and Conservation Plans: Conflicts and Opportunities
In 2022, the Finnish Fishermen’s Central Union commissioned Akordi to conduct a comprehensive study into the potential conflict scenarios highlighted in their recent report, including practical considerations for implementation.
Stakeholder Engagement in the Preparation of Legislation on Environmental Objectives for Water Management and Deviations Therefrom
During 2023, a working group established by the Ministry of the Environment will prepare proposals for legislation on environmental objectives for water management and deviations therefrom. Specifically, these proposals concern the Act on the Organization of Water Management and Marine Management. The…
Annual Seminar of the Water Restoration Network
The eighth annual seminar of the Water System Restoration Network was held as a webinar on the 27th and 28th of October, 2020. The themes of the seminar included fisheries management, migratory fish, watershed-based restoration, and networking.Akordi was involved in conducting public surveys during the seminars and workshops.
Water System Restoration Training
Akordi recently gave a nation-wide Water System Restoration Training that took place between June 2021 and January 2022. The training was part of a larger project funded by the Ministry of Environment, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and aimed to update and enhance the expertise of professionals…
Water Impacts Day
The themes of the 2020 Water Impacts Day were collaboration and working together. Akordi was responsible for the design and implementation of the interactive parts of the event.
A Workshop on Setting Environmental Objectives and Constraints of Water Management
A working group on environmental objectives and exemptions for water management set up by the Ministry of the Environment prepared a guide for planners in the ELY centres for the third planning period of water management. On February 28, 2020, the Ministry of the Environment invited the members of the monitoring group and the ELY Centres to discuss the development needs of the draft. The event, planned and facilitated by Akordi, aimed to get feedback and support for the finalization of the guide via collaborative discussion and reflection.
Training for Flood Group Leaders
On May 28, 2019, the Finnish Environment Institute organized a training led by Akordi that provided training to the leaders of flood groups. Topics such as initiating and strengthening stakeholder collaboration, as well as managing and resolving conflicts were covered in detail.
Assessing Conflicts and Exploring Solutions for Conservation of the Gulf of Bothnia
Akordi has initiated an in-depth examination of the conflicts and potential solutions connected to the conservation of the Gulf of Bothnia. The primary objective is to enhance the understanding of the acceptability of environmental management and its various functions within the Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnia…
Developing a Collaborative Water Monitoring Platform with the Local Community and Mining Companies in Sodankylä
A collaborative water monitoring project is being developed in Sodankylä, Finland, to address concerns about the impact of mining on local waterways. The project, led by Akordi and funded by the Nessling Foundation, involves collaboration between mining companies, the local community, and various stakeholders. The goal is to improve the credibility and clarity of water monitoring data and address information needs beyond legal requirements. The collaborative group aims to create a functional model for joint water impact monitoring, with results to be presented at an open seminar in November 2023.
Construction of a Collaborative Platform monitoring the Impacts of mining on Water Quality in Sodankylä
The project's objective is to create a collaborative water impact monitoring model with Sodankylä mining companies and local stakeholders and embed it in the local operational culture. The project's outcomes serve as a model for the mining sectors in Finland and the Nordic countries.
Regional Flood Risk Management Groups
Regional flood risk management groups, established by the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, work to minimize flood damages in Finnish riverine and coastal areas identified as flood risk areas. This collaborative work involves public authorities, the private sector, land owners , water rights holders, and third sector organizations. Akordi supported this work in 2019 by training leaders of flood risk management groups in Kymijoki river and the coastlines of Kotka and Hamina. The work also included facilitating workshops.
Oulujoki watershed vision 2035
The Oulujoki river watershed is getting its own watershed vision to better integrate differing needs and interests in the region. The Finnish Environment Institute leads the project titled “Vitality from the Kainuu Lakes to the Gulf of Bothnia - Oulujoki watershed vision 2035 (ARVOVESI)”, and the…
Facilitating a Nordic cormorant working group
The great cormorant is protected under the EU Birds Directive. Because of this the population growth has been strong in the Baltic Sea region during the past few decades. Conflicts between cormorants and humans, with fishermen in particular, have occured. Management of cormorant populations is not only…
SWOT analysis of Kokemäenjoki river Water Vision 2050
In summer 2022, Akordi carried out a SWOT analysis to identify the challenges and opportunities with the Kokemäenjoki river Water Vision.
Kokemäenjoki river Water Vision 2050 is a common and holistic vision for a desired state of the Kokemäenjoki watershed in 2050. It considers the use of water…
Iijoki River Visioning Process
A collaborative approach was used to build a shared vision for the future of the Iijoki water system. In addition to the restoration of the migratory fish stocks, the aim of the envisioning work was to address the water quality in the Iijoki basin, and to increase the attractiveness of the area for e.g. tourism and business. The Iijoki River Vision was published in 2018. The Advisory Board will continue to work on planning and prioritizing measures, and new projects, to increase the value of the river. This has already led to several projects improving the status of the river, including conservation and restoration projects.
Enhancing Collaboration in the Koitajoki River Basin: The Koitajoki-Koitere Forum Continues its Journey
In the Koitajoki River Basin in North Karelia, a collaborative model has been developed among various stakeholders to harmonize diverse objectives and improve the condition of the basin's water systems. To further strengthen and advance this collaboration, Akordi designed and implemented a workshop in…
Evaluation of the Fishing Agreement of Tenojoki River
The fishing agreement between Finland and Norway on the Tenojoki River entered into force in March 2017. During its preparation, the Finnish Parliament outlined that the fishing agreement and its functionality should be evaluated three years after its enforcement. Akordi, appointed by the Finnish Ministry…