Our Projects | Climate
Societal acceptance of wind power in Central Finland regional land use plan 2040 read more
Towards the end of 2022, Akordi will carry out an assessment that will support the regional land use planning process of Central Finland. The aim is to find acceptable solutions regarding wind power proposed in the draft plant, and to increase the overall acceptance of the regional land use plan.
Building a Collaborative Platform for Reindeer Husbandry and Wind Power
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Several representatives of reindeer herders and wind power attended a meeting to discuss, how to better align the intererests of the two sectors. Central themes during the dialogue were communication and information exchange.
Sustainable recovery in Helsinki-Uusimaa region
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In autumn of 2020 the regional council of Helsinki-Uusimaa focused its strategic development on improving the framework of its stakeholder interactions. Akordi’s role was to support the steering group in charge of the planning, and to participate in the planning and implementation of participatory workshops and events.
MAL 2023 agreement for Helsinki region
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The planning for the new agreement on land use, housing and transport (Maankäytön, asumisen ja liikenteen suunnittelukierros MAL) for Helsinki region has commenced. The aims featured in the previous MAL 2019 agreement will be revised based on the changed operating environment.
Mid-term Review of the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan read more
The National Climate Change Adaption Plan is s strategic tool to enforce Finland’s capacity to manage risks associated with climate change. As part of its mid-term review, Akordi and Tyrsky Consulting Oy carried out an overview of stakeholder opinions to evaluate the effectiveness of the adaptation plan.
Social Acceptability of Wind Power
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In recent decades, the amount of electricity produced by wind power has increased globally as well as in Europe. Although wind power is generally seen as an acceptable energy source, local opposition to wind power projects has increased in Finland. This impacts both individual projects as well as the green transition of the whole energy industry towards national and international climate targets. In 2017 Akordi launched a project to increase the social acceptance of wind power production.
Pioneers into Practice
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Pioneers into Practice programme is part of a Europe wide EIT (European Institution of Innovation and Technology) Climate-KIC network. Its purpose is to give birth to new innovations, business and practices for building a more sustainable society. Participants get an opportunity to receive training and work experience in another programme member organization abroad. The training concerns systems innovations and transitions, after which they also complete a 4-6 week work exchange. Akordi trains participating Pioneers and facilitates the workshops starting and closing the programme.