Our Projects | Water
SWOT analysis of Kokemäenjoki river Water Vision 2050 read more
In summer 2022, Akordi carried out a SWOT analysis to identify the challenges and opportunities with the Kokemäenjoki river Water Vision.
Water body restoration training
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In addition to providing new insights to experts, the national training for water body restoration also aimed at improving the restoration methods in general.
Oulujoki watershed vision 2035
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The aim of the Oulujoki river watershed vision is to better integrate the differing needs of river basin management, hydropower, fisheries, land use and business in the Oulujoki watershed.
A training for regional flood risk management groups
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In 2019 the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) organized a training for the heads of the flood risk management groups. In this training, Akordi educated the heads in conflict management and in improving collaboration with stakeholders.
Drafting the guide on the exemptions from the environmental objectives in river basin management
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The Ministry of the Environment has set up a working group focused on river basin management environmental objectives and their exemptions. This group has been preparing a guide for ELY Centre planners to be used during the third management term.
Regional Flood Risk Management Groups read more
Regional flood risk management groups, established by the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, work to minimize flood damages in Finnish riverine and coastal areas identified as flood risk areas. This collaborative work involves public authorities, the private sector, land owners , water rights holders, and third sector organizations. Akordi supported this work in 2019 by training leaders of flood risk management groups in Kymijoki river and the coastlines of Kotka and Hamina. The work also included facilitating workshops.
Iijoki River Visioning Process
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Iijoki, a great river flowing through Northern Ostrobothnia in Central Finland, was harnessed for hydroelectric power production long ago. As with many similar river valleys, different groups have conflicting needs for the Iijoki basin. One issue requiring solving is the restoration of the migratory fish stocks. The Iijoki river holds great potential and its value has been recognized. However, the absence of a shared vision for the future of Iijoki has been slowing down its development.