
Jonna Kangasoja

Co-Founder, Managing Director
tel. +358 504412863

Jonna Kangasoja is Co-Founder and CEO at Akordi. She has received her negotiation, conflict management and mediation training at Harvard Program on Negotiation and at MIT with Lawrence Susskind. She is a member of the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR), and Finnish Association of Facilitators (Fafa). Jonna is a member of the Board of Advisors at the Finnish Community Mediation Center and a program manger at the Finnish Institute for Deliberative Democracy. She is also a trained Mindful Self-Compassion teacher.

Before co-founding Akordi, Kangasoja was a researcher and teacher at Aalto-University, Center for Urban and Regional Research YTK, where she focused on multiparty collaboration, boundary crossing and mediation in planning practices. Her publications include:

Mäntysalo, Raine; Kangasoja, Jonna; Kanninen, Vesa (2015) The paradox of strategic spatial planning: A theoretical outline with a view on Finland, Planning Theory & Practice, Vol 16:2, pp. 169-183

Kangasoja, J. (2013) Trading Zone as a Sensitizing Concept in Planning Research. In Balducci, A. & Mäntysalo, R. (eds.) Urban Planning as a Trading Zone. Dordrecht: Springer: 179-187

Schmidt-Thomé K., Wallin, S., Laatikainen, T., Kangasoja, J., Kyttä, M. (2014). Exploring the use of PPGIS in self-organizing urban development: The Case softGIS in Pacific Beach, California.  The Journal of Community Informatics (special issue on Urban Planning) Vol 10, No 3 (2014)

Peltonen & al. (2012) Sovittelu osana maankäytön ristiriitojen hallintaa (Mediation as a tool for managing land use planning conflicts) (in Finnish) 2/2012 Publications series in Science and Technology, Aalto University, School of Engineering.

Mäntysalo, Raine; Balducci, Alessandro; Kangasoja, Jonna (2011): Planning as agonistic communication in a trading zone: Re-examining Lindblom’s partisan mutual adjustment. Planning theory Vol. 10:3, pp. 257-272

Kangasoja, J. (2010). URBA-hanke tutkimuksellisena interventiona ja oppimisprosessina. Teoksessa Lehtonen, Hilkka et al. Asutaan urbaanisti! Laadukkaaseen kaupunkiasumiseen yhteisellä kehittelyllä. Toimittanut Markku Norvasuo. Yhdyskuntasuunnittelun tutkimus- ja koulutuskeskuksen julkaisuja B 99. Espoo: Aalto yliopisto, Teknillinen korkeakoulu. ISBN 978-952-60-3431-7

Architectural Education as Basis of Planning Work. The Pros and Cons of Professional Enculturation. Journal for Education in the Built Environment, Vol. 5, Issue 2, December 2010  pp. 25-38 (14) ISSN: 1747-4205

Kangasoja, J. & Schulman, H. Eds. (2007) Arabianranta – Rethinking Urban Living, City of Helsinki Urban Facts; Kangasoja, J. & al (2010)