Ongoing projects
MAL 2019 -plan Land use, housing and traffic of the Helsinki region are being viewed simultaneously in the MAL 2019 plan. The plan aims to build a shared understanding between the municipalities and experts on how the region should be developed in the future. Akordi is involved in the planning process by reinforcing the communication and stakeholder collaboration.
DAC – Dwellers in Agile Cities DAC is a research consortium funded by the Academy of Finland Strategic Reseach Council for the years 2016-2019. Akordi is working with the consortium in order to strengthen its influence and supporting both research and interaction.
City of Vantaa Akordi trains, spars and facilitates the interaction in the drafting of the city’s master plann.
Finnish Rural Network The newest environmental information on agriculture is being shared and discussed during a two day event on 12.-13.2.2019 in Jyväskylä. Akordi will both help with the planning and facilitate the event.
Situation Assessment of Forest Disputes in Kainuu Akordi conducted a situation assessment regarding the on-going disputes about forest management in Kainuu area. The purpose of the assessment was to clarify how the conflictual situation could be better understood and analysed. Alltogether 43 stakeholders were interviewed for the assessment. Based on those interviews an assessment report was written describing the different viewpoints of the stakeholders involved. The work was initiated together by Metsähallitus, Finnish Association for Nature Conservation and Greenpeace.
Past projects
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Akordi and Tyrsky Consulting Oy carried out the review on stakeholder opinions in the mid-term review of national climate change adaptation plan. The aim was to learn about the effectiveness of the adaptation plan and map out different views about how to develop different practices.
Social Acceptance of Wind Power In 2017 Akordi started a project that aimed to develop social acceptance of wind power projects. In 2017-2018 Akordi organized a series of workshops for wind energy actors in order to provide participants new tools and capabilities to develop their social acceptance strategies. The project was organized as a part of international cooperation with IEA Wind Task 28 (Social Acceptance of Wind Energy Projects).
Climate-KIC Pioneers into Practice is a programme that aims to create new innovations, business and practices in order to build a more sustainable society. The pioneers participating in the programme carry out an international placement and a domestic group project. Akordi coached the pioneers and facilitated the workshops in Finland.
The Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia Akordi facilitated a civil jury work on use of mires and the its effects.
Council of Oulu Region Akordi facilitated the Iijoki -river visioning process that began in 2016. The aim of the process was to create a widely accepted vision of the river basin but more importantly to strengthen parties’ commitment to the development of the river while taking the different values into consideration and ensuring the work continuity in the future. Akordi has been a part of the project by planning a participatory process and facilitating the Iijoki river vision collaborative group meetings.
City of Vantaa Akordi facilitated a workshop on Aviapolis-project. In the workshop experts from different countries worked together on finding new paths for areas development.
City of Helsinki, Urban Environment Division Akordi, MDI and Mapita Oy worked together on a community visioning process in Herttoniemi neighborhood. In the process the city officials and neighborhood recidents worked on a shared vision for the future of the area.
City of Jyväskylä Akordi facilitated the negotation process on the city’s new strategic forest programme. In the process the city of Jyväskylä worked on the programme together with relevant stakeholders in order to form a solution that would be agreed with all the parties and based on shared knowledge. The Forest Programme was published in summer 2018.
Finland 100 – The future dialogues on finnish democracy Akordi facilitated dialogues in three local events coordinated by the Ministry of Justice Finland. The dialogues were held between policy-makers, citizen and others stakeholders. Akordi worked on the dialogues together with Aretai Oy and Inforglobe Oy.
City of Helsinki The city began a process on designing planning principles for city boulevards based on the air quality in spring 2017. The aim for the process was to identify what kind of traffic system and land use solutions would assure that the health effects wouldn’t be negative. Akordi worked on the process together with Trafix Oy, Finnish Meteorological Institute and Serum Architects.
City of Järvenpää Akordi helped to reinforce the communicational skills of planners in the Järvenpää master plan process. In the fall 2016 Akordi held a workshop about participation and communication relating to traffic reporting for the policy-makers and stakeholders.
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) The work on updating finnish FSC standards began in 11.10.2016 with a workshop and outing among the members of the work group and the board of FSC Finland. Akordi facilitated the workshop.
Tampere University of Technology Akordi facilitated a stakeholder workshop concerning regional water supply. In the fall 2014 Akordi also held a lecture on negotiation and conflict management.
City of Tampere Akordi facilitated public participation, negotiation and dispute resolution concerning the infill plan for Eteläpuisto in Downtown Tampere in 2015-2016.
Tampere University of Technology Akordi facilitated a stakeholder workshop of a regional water management dispute
Ministry of Employment and the Economy Akordi gave an invited lecture titled Resolving Disputes through Mediation and Informal Problem solving in the Context of the OECD Guidelines on 31.3.2014 in a seminar on Future of Corporate Social Responsibility organized by the Ministry
Finnish Association of Architects SAFA ry Akordi was invited to assist SAFA to concreticize their 2015 strategic theme ‘Collaboration and Negotiation’. Akordi helps SAFA to build capacities on three levels: SAFA office, local associations, and traning offered to individual memebers.
Akordi conducted in 2014 a national survey to the members of the Finnish Association of Architects. The survey focused on competences and skills that architects need. Negotiation skills are central to architects working in different sectors. The survey results can be downloaded from the SAFA homepage.
The Helsinki Energy Company Akordi was invited to to give a lecture on social licence to operate
Aalto University Executive Education: Akordi is one of the trainers in the Certificate in Extractive Business (CEB) -program focusing on stakeholder engagement and social licence to operate