
Review: Offsetting the environmental and social impacts of energy projects

Open project database

The question of how to manage and compensate for the adverse impacts of projects is crucial to the acceptability of the energy transition.

The review published by Akordi presents the means identified in the literature to identify and compensate for the adverse effects of projects on nature and social impacts. The review will serve to inform the debate on issues related to land use decision-making and the opportunities for local communities to participate in decision-making.

The conclusions of the review are:
• Local acceptability and ecological sustainability are cornerstones of a just energy transition.
• Ecological and social sustainability will become an economic issue if opposition to wind farms starts to slow down the energy transition and the investment it requires.
• Collaboration, a multi-disciplinary approach, and multi-year monitoring studies would help to better understand the impacts of wind energy on nature and local people and economies.

Ecologist and PhD researcher Hanna Paulomäki from LUT University prepared the review as part of a project funded by the TAH Foundation, in which Akordi is building methods for anticipating and resolving conflicts in the green transition in Finland.


More info in Finnish:

  1. Read the review (in Finnish): Katsaus energiahankkeiden ekologisten ja sosiaalisten haittojen kompensointiin.
  2. Watch the recording of the review publishing webinar 24.5.2024 (in Finnish).


Jonna Kangasoja
Jonna Kangasoja
Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer
+358 50 441 2863